


The objective is to improve development efficiency by allowing changes in the code to be instantly reflected without the need to restart the application, similar to the hot reload functionality provided by Webpack.

Detailed Steps and Requirements:

Setup Development Environment:

Ensure that the development environment is configured to support hot reload. Verify that the Flutter SDK and necessary dependencies are updated to the latest versions.

Modify the API Reading Logic:

Refactor the existing API reading logic to ensure it supports state preservation during hot reloads. Make sure that the state of the API data is maintained and can be refreshed without restarting the application.

Implement Hot Reload Hooks:

Integrate hooks or callbacks that can detect when code changes occur. Ensure that the application can reload the specific parts of the code related to the API without affecting the overall application state.

Testing and Debugging:

Test the hot reload functionality extensively with various types of API data. Ensure that changes in the API endpoints, data models, and UI are reflected instantly during development. Debug any issues that arise during hot reload, such as data inconsistency or state loss.


Document the hot reload functionality, including how it works, any limitations, and how to use it during development. Update the README file and any other relevant documentation to reflect the changes.

Acceptance Criteria:

The hot reload functionality should work seamlessly with the Flutter development workflow. Changes to the API-related code should be reflected instantly without requiring a full restart of the application. The application state should be preserved during hot reload. Comprehensive documentation and testing should be provided to support the new feature. The CI/CD pipeline should successfully build and test the application with the hot reload feature enabled.

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Hot Reload

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